
Japanese grammar

なかなかマスターできない助詞① Particles

こんにちは! 今日きょうは、助詞じょしについてお話はなししたいと思おもいます。助詞じょしは、particlesです。 初級しょきゅうレベルlevelの頃ころはそれほど気きにならない助詞じょしの間違まちがい。でも、上級じょうきゅうレベルlevread more
Japanese writing

Keep a diary in Japanese Part 5 (syntax & past tense)

こんにちは! Today you are going to write some sentences in Japanese. We tend to write a Japanese sentence in the following orread more
Japanese grammar

Must do/しなければなりません

こんにちは!Today we are going to talk about how to express an obligation in Japanese. テキスト 今日きょうは、must doについて話はなします。英語えいごのmusread more


こんにちは! 今日きょうは、「オノマトペ」についてお話はなしします。日本語にほんごの中なかには「オノマトペ」がたくさんあります。「オノマトペ」とは、日本語にほんごの辞書じしょによると「さまざまな状態じょうたいや動うごきなどを音おとで表現ひょread more
English pronunciation

What are the ‘Best’ and ‘Worst’ British Accents? | Accent Prejudice in the UK

Japanese writing

Keep a diary in Japanese Part 4 (weather)♪♪♪♪

こんにちは! Today you'll learn how to write weather in Japanese. Everybody likes to talk about the weather. 8月30日(月げつ)8時30分 晴read more
English grammar

5 Ways We use WILL as a Present Tense (She WILL be sleeping NOW)

Japanese writing

Keep a diary in Japanese Part 3 (time)♪♪♪

こんにちは! Keeping a diary helps you learn dates, days, times and the weather. Today you are going to learn how to write timread more
Japanese writing

Rōmaji /ローマ字

Do you think that you can learn Japanese just by using Rōmaji (Latin script)? The answer is NO. Soon or later you need tread more
English pronunciation

A LONDONER Explains How to Speak COCKNEY (London accent)