Japanese grammar Must do/しなければなりません こんにちは!Today we are going to talk about how to express an obligation in Japanese.テキスト今日きょうは、must doについて話はなします。英語えいごのmustにread more Japanese grammarJapanese self-learning materials
Japanese writing Keep a diary in Japanese Part 4 (weather)♪♪♪♪ こんにちは!Today you'll learn how to write weather in Japanese.Everybody likes to talk about the weather.8月30日(月げつ)8時30分 晴はれ今read more Japanese writing
Japanese writing Keep a diary in Japanese Part 3 (time)♪♪♪ こんにちは!Keeping a diary helps you learn dates, days, times and the weather.Today you are going to learn how to write time read more Japanese writing
Japanese writing Rōmaji /ローマ字 Do you think that you can learn Japanese just by using Rōmaji (Latin script)? The answer is NO. Soon or later you need tread more Japanese writing
Japanese writing Keep a diary in Japanese Part 2 (days of the week)♪♪ こんにちは!How are you doing?Today you are going to learn Monday and the other days of the week. Before that, do you rememberread more Japanese writing
Japanese writing Keep a diary in Japanese Part 1 (date)♪ Do you think it's impossible to learn how to write in Japanese? There are 46 hiragana and 46 katakana. On top of that, tread more Japanese writing